AGazine, January 2017

The Online Magazine of the Academic Games Leagues of America

News & Notes 2017 Nationals Down Memory Lane Past AGazines


News and Notes

Calendar: Academic Games Events


17 Palm Beach Academic Games (PBAGL) Social Studies Tournament #1 (Current Events, Presidents #25-34)
Jefferson Parish Middle/Jr/Sr LinguiSHTIK Tournament
New Orleans Academic Games League (NOAGL) Presidents Tournament Junior/Senior #25-44
18 Indian River County (FL) Social Studies Tournament, session 2
NOAGL Presidents Tournament Elementary/Middle #35-44
21 Michigan League of Academic Games (MLAG) Regional Tournaments
23 NOAGL Presidents Awards Ceremony (Top 3 individuals each division) @ National World War II Museum
24 PBAGL Social Studies Tournament #2 (Current Events, Presidents #35-44)
NOAGL Current Events Tournament Junior/Senior
25 MIU4 (PA) World Events Tournament (All divisions)
NOAGL Current Events Tournament Elementary/Middle
26 IU4 (PA) World Events Tournament (All divisions)
Western Pennsylvania Academic Games League (WPAGL) LinguiSHTIK Tournament
27 St. Bernard Parish Presidents Tournament (#25-34) and Equations Tournament; Jr/Sr – Equations only
31 PBAGL Social Studies Tournament #3 (Current Events, Theme)
Martin County (FL) Social Studies tournament, session 1
1 Indian River County (FL) Social Studies Tournament, session 3
3 Jefferson Parish Elementary LinguiSHTIK Tournament and Propaganda (Section E)
4 MLAG Regional Tournaments (High school only)
7 PBAGL Social Studies Tournament #4 (Theme)
Martin County (FL) Social Studies tournament, session 2
IU4 (PA) Presidents Tournament (All Divisions)
8 MIU4 (PA) Equations Tournament (Middle/Jr/Sr)
11 MLAG Regional Tournaments (Elem/Middle only)
15 MIU4 (PA) Equations Tournament (Elementary)

To see all of our of upcoming events, visit our Calendar page. If your league’s events are not listed, please send us your schedule.


2017 Nationals

The AGLOA Board of Directors and Tournament Council wish to invite qualified players and coaches to the 2017 Academic Games National Tournament, April 28 – May 1, 2017, at the Oglebay Resort in Wheeling, West Virginia.

  • AGLOA has held its national tournament at this location six previous times:
    1994, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, and 2012.
  • Those who have attended a tournament at Oglebay will find it better than ever after an extensive renovation project.
  • For the first time, the entire facility, over 200 hotel rooms in the lodge plus all the cabins, will be available to AGLOA.
  • Unlike other locations where the national tournament has been held, Oglebay charges a single price per person which includes meals, rooms, and a wrist band to use for activities such as mini golf, entrance to the oo, or paddle boating among other options.
  • Competition at the 2017 AGLOA National Tournament will start at an earlier time than ever before. Play in all divisions of WFF’N Proof begins at 1 PM Friday, April 28, with Current Events following at 3:30 PM.
  • For those not involved in either WFF’N Proof or Current Events, the first activity is the Opening Ceremony and Welcome at 6:15 PM.

Information about costs and registration have been sent to league directors who will organize participation for their qualifiers.

Oglebay Resort, Wheeling WV


Down Memory Lane

The 1984-85 Junior/Senior lists included these variations.

Both divisions

  • Smallest prime: xA means "the smallest prime bigger than A," where A is a real number less than or equal to 200.
    Note: This variation eventually moved to Elementary Division.
  • + = average: + shall not represent addition but instead shall represent the operation of averaging two numbers.
    Note: This variation also moved to Elementary.
  • Add to Goal: On his turn, instead of a regular move, a player may add a cube to the Goal. The cube may be placed anywhere in the Goal. However, the limit of five cubes in the Goal, with no numeral containing more than two consecutive digits, still prevails.
    Note: This variation was eventually eliminated because it allowed opponents to add a cube that greatly simplified the Goal.

Senior Division

  • Pick two: A player choosing this variation may pick any two non-consecutive variations on the current year’s Junior/Senior list.
    Note: This variation became so popular that the rules were changed to allow every Senior player to select two variations on any shake.
  • Permute the Goal: Cubes in the Goal may be permuted or regrouped when a Solution is written. A Solution is correct if it satisfies at least one such interpretation of the Goal.
    Note: Like Add to Goal above, this variation was removed because it allowed opponents to simplify the Goal on the mat for their Solutions.

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