AGazine, November 2012

The Online Magazine of the Academic Games Leagues of America

& Notes
2016 National
Down Memory Lane Past AGazines

Events across the AGLOA leagues during the next month:

  • Nov. 17: Michigan League of Academic Games (MLAG) Regional Tournaments
    Region A: Mumford High School, Detroit
    Regions B & F: Clague Middle School, Ann Arbor
    Region C: Chrysler School, Detroit
    Region D: Oxford Elementary, Oxford Charter Township
    Region E: West Village Academy, Dearborn
  • Nov. 20: Martin County (FL) Equations Rounds 6-7-8 (El/Mid only)
  • Nov. 27: Palm Beach Academic Games League (PBAGL) Basic (4-5 only) & Classic LinguiSHTIK Tournament Rounds 3 & 4
    New Orleans Academic Games League (NOAGL) On-Sets Rounds 2 & 3 Jr/Sr @ Jesuit High School
  • Nov. 28: Indian River (FL) Presidents Tournament #34-44
    NOAGL On-Sets Rounds 2 & 3 Elem/Mid @ Christian Brothers School
  • Dec. 4: PBAGL Basic (4-5 only) & Classic LinguiSHTIK Tournament Rounds 5 & 6
    NOAGL On-Sets Round 4 Jr/Sr @ Jesuit High School
  • Dec. 5: Western Pennsylvania Academic Games League (WPAGL) Propaganda Tournament @ Seneca Valley Middle School
    Indian River World Events Tournament: Current Events and Lightning Round
    NOAGL On-Sets Round 4 El/Mid @ Brother Martin High School
  • Dec. 7: Jefferson Parish Academic Games League MJS On-Sets Tournament
  • Dec. 9: MLAG State Tournament Information Meeting
  • Dec. 12: Logan County (WV) Tournament @ R. R. Willis Vo-Tech
  • Dec. 15: Beaver County (PA) League Propaganda and Equations Tournament @ Geneva College
  • Dec. 18: Martin County (FL) Social Studies Coaches Meeting

If your league’s events are not listed, please send us your schedule.

Nationals Qualifying Rules – II

The AGLOA Board has asked leagues to submit their rules—all within the AGLOA guidelines—for determining their Nationals qualifiers. Over the course of this year, we will share their procedures with you. Then, you can compare your league’s rules to others.

Jefferson Parish Middle/Junior/Senior League

  • A player must play all five games (Equations, On-Sets, Propaganda, LinguiSHTIK, and Presidents).
  • Based on the AGLOA guidelines concerning the number of players who qualify in each sivision, students are chosen based on their scores across all five games.

Western Pennsylvania Academic Games League

  • Reading Games: Top 10% in each division
  • Cube Games: Scores of 16, 17, or 18

2016 National Tournament

The AGLOA Board has chosen the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Atlanta as the site of the 2016 National Tournament. Other cities that were seriously considered include Baton Rouge and St. Louis.

So the list of sites for future tournaments is as follows:

Down Memory Lane

The 1985 Mathematics Rules Committee included representatives from the various states based on the number of students participating locally in each state, as follows:

State League # Participants # Committee Members
Florida Broward County
Palm Beach County
Martin County
One voting member
from each county +
Larry Liss
Louisiana Jefferson Parish
New Orleans
One member
One member
Michigan Lansing
Four members
Pennsylvania WPAGL 1,200 Two members

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