Propaganda Quiz – February 2017

The Propaganda sections played in the 2016-2017 tournament year: A B D E

Section A
  1. Prejudice
  2. Academic Detachment
  3. Drawing the Line
  4. Not Drawing the Line
  5. Conservatism, Radicalism, Moderatism
  1. Rationalization
  2. Wishful Thinking
  3. Tabloid Thinking
  4. Causal Oversimplification
  5. Inconceivability
Ad received in the mail: “Here’s something to remember about your Sports Illustrated magazine service. Spending less time at the newsstand means spending more time enjoying your favorite magazine.”

Section B
  1. Emotional Terms
  2. Metaphor and Simile
  3. Emphasis
  4. Quotation Out of Context
  1. Abstract Terms
  2. Vagueness
  3. Ambiguity
  4. Shift of Meaning
Company president to the sales staff: “It’s a war out there. We have to fight to maintain our edge in the competitive jungle. The last people left standing will win the battle.”

Section D
  1. Appeal to Pity
  2. Appeal to Flattery
  3. Appeal to Ridicule
  4. Appeal to Prestige
  5. Appeal to Prejudice
  1. Bargain Appeal
  2. Folksy Appeal
  3. Join the Bandwagon Appeal
  4. Appeal to Practical Consequences
  5. Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious
Offer received in the mail: “This offer is being sent only to our very best customers. Please take advantage of this golden opportunity.”

Section E
  1. Concurrency
  2. Post Hoc
  3. Selected Instances
  4. Hasty Generalization
  1. Faulty Analogy
  2. Composition
  3. Division
  4. Non Sequitur
Over the last 20 years in China and India, half a billion people have been able to escape poverty through economic growth that followed when their governments opened their economies to capitalism. Capitalism is the best hope for the world.

See this and all of the other AGLOA Propaganda Quizzes here.

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