Propaganda Quiz – July 2018

The Propaganda sections played in the 2018-2019 tournament year are A, C, D, and E.

Section A
  1. Prejudice
  2. Academic Detachment
  3. Drawing the Line
  4. Not Drawing the Line
  5. Conservatism, Radicalism, Moderatism
  6. Rationalization
  7. Wishful Thinking
  8. Tabloid Thinking
  9. Causal Oversimplification
  10. Inconceivability
CIA representative to someone he’s trying to recruit for the agency: "You can accept my offer and serve your country with distinction in the war against terrorism. Or you can go back to your meaningless existence and watch more attacks take place."

Section C
  1. Appearance
  2. Manner
  3. Degrees and Titles
  4. Numbers
  5. Status
  6. Repetition
  7. Slogans
  8. Technical Jargon
  9. Sophistical Formula
From an ad for a real estate company: "I’m in the process of buying a new home. The polite agents patiently answer all my questions and are not in a hurry to get rid of me. Plus, I get frequent updates on the progress toward completing the purchase."

Section D
  1. Appeal to Pity
  2. Appeal to Flattery
  3. Appeal to Ridicule
  4. Appeal to Prestige
  5. Appeal to Prejudice
  6. Bargain Appeal
  7. Folksy Appeal
  8. Join the Bandwagon Appeal
  9. Appeal to Practical Consequences
  10. Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious
Colgate toothpaste ad: "For Whole Mouth Health. Colgate Total fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks, and gums."

Section E
  1. Concurrency
  2. Post Hoc
  3. Selected Instances
  4. Hasty Generalization
  5. Faulty Analogy
  6. Composition
  7. Division
  8. Non Sequitur
People who have to have a cup of coffee every morning before they can function have no less a problem than alcoholics who have to have their alcohol each day to sustain them.

See this and all of the other AGLOA Propaganda Quizzes here.

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