Propaganda Quiz – October 2016

The Propaganda sections played in the 2016-2017 tournament year: A B D E

Section A
  1. Prejudice
  2. Academic Detachment
  3. Drawing the Line
  4. Not Drawing the Line
  5. Conservatism, Radicalism, Moderatism
  1. Rationalization
  2. Wishful Thinking
  3. Tabloid Thinking
  4. Causal Oversimplification
  5. Inconceivability
Jim: “I can’t imagine that a person as poorly prepared to be president as Donald Trump can win the election.”
Tim: “I can’t believe that a candidate like Hillary Clinton who should be in jail can win the election.”

Section B
  1. Emotional Terms
  2. Metaphor and Simile
  3. Emphasis
  4. Quotation Out of Context
  1. Abstract Terms
  2. Vagueness
  3. Ambiguity
  4. Shift of Meaning
Billy: “I heard your mom tell you not to go out tonight.”
Joey: “I know, but it’s past midnight. So it’s not tonight anymore.”

Section D
  1. Appeal to Pity
  2. Appeal to Flattery
  3. Appeal to Ridicule
  4. Appeal to Prestige
  5. Appeal to Prejudice
  1. Bargain Appeal
  2. Folksy Appeal
  3. Join the Bandwagon Appeal
  4. Appeal to Practical Consequences
  5. Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious
Donald Trump in a campaign speech: “Here’s a woman, she’s supposed to fight all these different things, and she can’t make it 15 feet to her car.” He mimicked a stumble after he was done.

Section E – All Divisions
  1. Concurrency
  2. Post Hoc
  3. Selected Instances
  4. Hasty Generalization
  1. Faulty Analogy
  2. Composition
  3. Division
  4. Non Sequitur
Senator Simpson changed his campaign manager September 15. It was obviously a good move because his approval rating has gone up from 54% to 57%.

Section E – Jr/Sr Divisions
  1. Concurrency
  2. Post Hoc
  3. Selected Instances
  4. Hasty Generalization
  1. Faulty Analogy
  2. Composition
  3. Division
  4. Non Sequitur
When running for Mayor, Kathy Johnson said her first priority would be improving education. But if your priority is to improve education, you don’t start your term as mayor by cutting the public school budget. Obviously, she wasn’t being truthful when she said education was her first priority.

See this and all of the other AGLOA Propaganda Quizzes here.

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