ACADEMIC GAMES LEAGUES OF AMERICA                         2012

Middle Division
237 players

Middle World Events Champions
World Events Champions
Palm Beach County FL

Middle EQ, OS, Ling Champions
Equations, On-Sets, and LinguiSHTIK Champions
One Shen Short
Ann Arbor MI

Middle Propaganda Champions
Crawfish Pi
St. Bernard Parish LA

Middle Presidents Champions
Presidents Champions
MACS Dream Team
Mecklenburg Area NC

Most Creative Team Name in Middle:
Crawfish Pi, St. Bernard Parish LA

Answers for page 3 questions:

Propaganda: Causal Oversimplification
Presidents: James Madison (#4)

Middle Sweepstakes and LinguiSHTIK Champion Shreya Menon
LinguiSHTIK Champion
Shreya Menon
Ann Arbor MI

Middle Propaganda Champion Injee Hong
Propaganda Champion
Injee Hong
Jefferson Parish LA

Middle Equations Champion Daniel Li
Daniel Li
Ann Arbor MI

World Events Champion Charles Bowers
World Events Champion
Charles Bowers
Beaver County PA

Middle Presidents Champion Susanna Sheng
Presidents Champion
Susanne Sheng
Ann Arbor MI

Middle On-Sets Champion Justin Turnbull
Justin Turnbull,
Jefferson Parish LA

Middle Sweepstakes Winners 2012
1. One Shen Short
    Ann Arbor MI
Oliver Barron
Mason DeVarti
Daniel Li
Shreya Menon
Susanne Sheng
2. Ellie Gamble's Rascals
    Jefferson Parish LA
Christian Fernandez
Adnan Yousuf
Siddesh Ponnapakum
Justin Turnbull
Fang Zhou
3. I Prefer Not To Answer
    Ann Arbor MI
Livia Belman-Wells
Maya Foster
Dhanuj Girish
Matthew Shen
Justin Shim

Outstanding Academic Games Educators Create Exceptional Players/Citizens

Exceptional leaders produce exceptional follow­ers. Inspirational, caring teachers produce stu­dents and adults of character and integrity.

Academic Games Leagues of America (AGLOA) has been blessed throughout its history with teacher/ coaches and leaders who are exceptional, inspi­rational, and caring. Over the past 45 years, 170 of them have been honored as Outstanding Academic Games Educators. Of the 170, twenty- seven have been elevated to the Academic Games Hall of Fame as a result of their string of victories. All 170 have exhibited qualities that are laudable and exemplary no matter what their profession.

What makes these educators outstanding? What makes them exceptional leaders? Why do their players become incredible adults?

They KNOW what they are expected to teach. They have prepared themselves and are experts in their field.

They TEACH with skill. They use many methods and techniques. They make their instruction lively and current and meaningful for their students.

They CHALLENGE players to do their absolute best. They are not willing to settle for mediocrity. They challenge their players to reach their own peaks of excellence.


They INSPIRE. They paint mental pictures of what can be and then encourage their players to push themselves to achieve.

They MODEL for their players. They challenge themselves and always act with character, hon­esty, and integrity. Everyone wants to follow a leader with those attributes.

They LOVE their players. Everyone needs acceptance and unconditional caring. For sure, they discipline and demand, for that is part of loving.

They ORGANIZE. They prepare materials, sched­ule practices, arrange transportation, and do all the little things that make the whole work. With­out the little things being done, the big results never occur.

They ADMINISTER. Events do not just happen. Without League administrators and teacher/ coaches who assist in producing forms, obtaining sites for tournaments, setting schedules, gene­rating and distributing results, there would be no competitions.

The two 2012 Academic Games Outstanding Edu­cators represent the previous 170 honorees by exhibiting these qualities. Their players have been blessed by their leadership. Their players have been inspired to emulate them. Their in­spired players will become our future. Aren’t we fortunate!