ACADEMIC GAMES LEAGUES OF AMERICA                         2012

Senior Division
134 players

Senior World Events Champions
World Events Champions
The Burger Court

Senior Equations Champions
Equations Champions
There's Always Next Year
Jefferson Parish LA

Senior Propaganda Champions
You Like This
Forsyth County GA

Senior On-Sets, LinguiSHTIK, and Presidents Champions
, LinguiSHTIK, and Presidents Champions
Shiny Magikarp
Jefferson Parish LA

Senior Sweepstakes and Propaganda Champion Ridwan Syed
and PropagandaChampion
Ridwan Syed
Jefferson Parish LA

Equations and LinguiSHTIK Champion Kathleen Huntzicker
and LinguiSHTIK
Kathleen Huntzicker
Ann Arbor MI

Senior World Events and Presidents Champion Matt Barnes
World Events and Presidents Champion
Matt Barnes
IU4 League PA

Senior On-Sets Champion Dustin Wright
Dustin Wright
Jefferson Parish LA

Most Creative Team Name in Senior:
Degrees of Manners, IU 4 League PA

Senior Sweepstakes Winners 2012
1. Shiny Magikarp
    Jefferson Parish LA
Ridwan Syed
John Campos
Benjamin Bartolome
Dustin Wright
Sam Jung
2. There's Always Next Year
    Jefferson Parish LA
Senthil Natarajan
Sahil Patel
Shoham Das
Nowrin Chowdhury
Jonathan Lin
3. Catch These Men
    Forstyth County GA
Brett Jordan
Stephen Schwartz
Lucy Yang
Megan Mitchell
Tyler Stern
South Lyon Empty Set Team and Coach
The South Lyon EMPTY SET team - winners of five straight national sweepstakes championships
(L-R) Todd Yocum, Jeff Hoorn, AGLOA Executive Director Larry Liss,
Coach Pam Placek, Chris Kelly, Rob Curtis, and Ray Klann

From the AGLOA Board
Academic Games Alumni Show Quality

The 2012 AGLOA Academic Games National Tournament was blessed by the presence of members of the EMPTY SET, five exceptional adults who dominated the tournament 25 years ago. Rob Curtis, Jeff Hoorn, Chris Kelly, Ray Klann, and Todd Yocum represented South Lyon, Michigan. They began their reign of excellence in 8th grade, led by their coach Pam (Miller) Placek. For five straight years from 1982-86, they returned to the National Tournament and won the sweepstakes championship of their Division. No team has ever duplicated that feat. None of the five was honored as an Outstanding Senior, but as a team they were unbeatable.

This year, they gathered together again at the National Tournament in West Virginia. They con­tinued their lifelong friendships, connected again with their super coach, had a great time reading questions to the high school players, shared stories (some probably embellished), and had fun. Shining through all of this was the quality of these individuals. They typified what Academic Games stands for. Without trying, they were models, and their messages were seen clearly by those they came in contact with.


Of course, they showed EXCELLENCE. They played and won. Each of their careers has exhibi­ted that winning tradition. AGLOA honors EXCELLENCE. Every player who qualifies for a National Tournament strives to be the best. That striving for EXCELLENCE is a trait to be admired and praised.

The five guys (now men) and their coach showed INTEGRITY. They won by playing fiercely but always within the rules. They played to beat their opponents but not to humiliate them. When tempted, they chose the high road. They did not take dishonest shortcuts. AGLOA fosters INTEG­RITY. Excellence with integrity is esteemed.

The Empty Set team and their coach also showed CHARACTER. They handled victory and defeat the same way. One year, they won the sweepstakes without a single game victory. They learned to live with their losses without being crushed and to relish their victories without rubbing it in. AGLOA strives to develop the CHARACTER of its players.

Excellence with integrity, spiced by character. Models to follow in life as well as in game playing. Thanks, EMPTY SET.