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Middle Division
Equations/On-Sets Middle Champs
Equations and On-Sets Champs
Bob Lee's Trees, Ann Arbor MI

Middle World Events Champs 2010
World Events Champs
BC the Pride, Beaver County PA

Middle Presidents Champs 2010
Presidents Champs
MACS Dream Team, Mecklinburg Area NC

Middle LinguisHTIK Champs 2010
LinguiSHTIK Champs
Abra Kadabra Alakazam, Ann Arbor MI

Middle Propaganda Champs 2010
Propaganda Champs
New Orleans A, New Orleans LA
Ethan Chupp
Sweeps, Equations, and On-Sets Champ
Ethan Chupp, Ann Arbor MI

Mikayla Wilson
Propaganda Champ
Mikayla Wilson, Beaver County PA

Andrew Gitlin
Andrew Gitlin, Ann Arbor MI

Jessica Stone
Presidents Champ
Jessica Stone, Palm Beach County FL

Azfar Merchant
World Events Champ
Azfar Merchant, Mount Lebanon PA


Remember this question from El/Mid Propaganda Section D?

Ad: "Use the Panasonic LUMIX digital cameras. The Official Camera of the 2010 Olympics."

Answer on page 5.
Middle Sweepstakes Winners 2010
1. Abra Kadabra Alakazam
    Ann Arbor MI
Lorna Barron
Andrew Gitlin
Richard Wan
Chelsea Young
Renee Zhao
2. Bob Lee's Trees
    Ann Arbor MI
Caleb Cheng
Luke Cheng
Shwetha Rajaram
Anthony Wang
Topher Wang
3. We Can Train Our Dragons
    St. Bernard Parish LA
Austin Bergeron
Zeke Kiersey
Zachary Hall
Peter Uli
Gabrielle Maldo
3. Slightly Imperfect
    Ann Arbor MI
Ethan Chupp
Brandon Cutler
Andy Hsiao
Lisa Ruan
William Yang

Where should a factorial sign and parentheses be placed in the Goal to make this Equation correct?

[(7+3)*3] + (8x2x5) = √10x28

Answer on page 5.

Answers to questions on page 4.

Propaganda Section B: Vagueness

Presidents #13-24: Andrew Johnson

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