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Junior Division
Junior EQ, OS, Pres, Ling Champs
Equations, On-Sets, Presidents, Propaganda,
and LinguiSHTIK Champs
We Live with Your Mom, Jefferson Parish LA

Junior World Events Champs 2010
World Events Champs
Dolittle's Raiders, RESA II WV

Sam Jung
On-Sets Champ
Sam Jung,
Jefferson Parish LA

Current Events 2010

Ash from eruptions of a volcano shut down numerous airports in Europe starting in April 2010. In what country is the volcano located?

Answer on page 6.
Kathleen Huntzicker
Sweeps and LinguiSHTIK Champ
Kathleen Huntzicker, Ann Arbor MI

Jennifer Tu
Propaganda Champ
Jennifer Tu,
New Orleans LA

Matt Barnes
Presidents and World Events Champ
Matt Barnes, IU4 PA

Ben Bartolome
Equations Champ
Ben Bartolome,
Jefferson Parish LA

Junior Sweepstakes Winners 2010
1. We Live With Your Mom
    Jefferson Parish LA
Ridwan Syed
John Campos
Ben Bartolome
Dustin Wright
Sam Jung
2. Sea Parting Emeril Muffins
    Ann Arbor MI
Sagar Anupindi
Kathlenn Huntzicker
Tae-ho Kim
Priya Menon
Rita Zhao
3. C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker
    Jefferson Parish LA
Sahil Patel
Senthil Natarajan
Shoham Das
Jonathan Lin
Nowrin Chowdhury


Answers to questions on page 4.

Propaganda Section D: Status

Equations: [(7+3)*3]+(8x2x5) = √(10!x28)

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