Propaganda Quiz – March 2015

The Propaganda sections played in the 2014-2015 Tournament Year: B C D E

Section B
  1. Emotional Terms
  2. Metaphor and Simile
  3. Emphasis
  4. Quotation Out of Context
  1. Abstract Terms
  2. Vagueness
  3. Ambiguity
  4. Shift of Meaning
The following ad contains a technique from Section B as well as a technique from Section D. Identify the technique from Section B.
Section C
  1. Appearance
  2. Manner
  3. Degrees and Titles
  4. Numbers
  5. Status
  1. Repetition
  2. Slogans
  3. Technical Jargon
  4. Sophistical Formula
Section D
  1. Appeal to Pity
  2. Appeal to Flattery
  3. Appeal to Ridicule
  4. Appeal to Prestige
  5. Appeal to Prejudice
  1. Bargain Appeal
  2. Folksy Appeal
  3. Join the Bandwagon Appeal
  4. Appeal to Practical Consequences
  5. Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious
The following ad contains a technique from Section B as well as a technique from Section D. Identify the technique from Section D.
Section E
  1. Concurrency
  2. Post Hoc
  3. Selected Instances
  4. Hasty Generalization
  1. Faulty Analogy
  2. Composition
  3. Division
  4. Non Sequitur
I had to stop in Bay City because of car trouble. The manager of the service station was very friendly and helpful, and I was soon on my way again. Bay City must be a wonderful place to live with so many friendly folks around.

See this and all of the other AGLOA Propaganda Quizzes here.

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