Equations Quiz – December 2016
This month’s quiz tests your ability to find several answers to ambiguous Goals. Continue →
Academic Games Leagues of America
AGLOA | Promoting Excellence Through Academic Competition
This month’s quiz tests your ability to find several answers to ambiguous Goals. Continue →
It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of Mr. Larry Liss. Continue →
Which woman was chosen to replace Andrew Jackson’s on the $20 bill? Continue →
The theme for 2016-17 in all divisions is Presidential Firsts. In Junior/Senior, a second theme is Foreign Affairs. Continue →
When either a Challenge Now or Challenge Impossible has been called, which of the following are correct statements regarding the Mover and the Third Party? Continue →
The Propaganda sections played in the 2016-2017 tournament year are A, B, D and E. Continue →
In general, which of these Set-Names are ambiguous? Continue →
This month’s Equations Quiz has four questions that may stump you. Your knowledge of variations at all levels of play will be tested. Continue →
What Mideast nation held Parliamentary Elections in the midst of a Civil War? Continue →
The theme for 2016-17 in all divisions is Presidential Firsts. In Junior/Senior, a second theme is Foreign Affairs. Continue →