LinguiSHTIK Quiz – April 2015
The demands of a shake are for an S-V-IO-DO pattern with a verb functioning as the main verb. Which sentence(s) correctly meet these demands? Continue →
Academic Games Leagues of America
AGLOA | Promoting Excellence Through Academic Competition
The demands of a shake are for an S-V-IO-DO pattern with a verb functioning as the main verb. Which sentence(s) correctly meet these demands? Continue →
(R U G)’ is always equal to all the following sets EXCEPT which one? Continue →
What number(s) can be placed in the box to produce an integer value for the Goal? Continue →
With less than three weeks before Nationals, here is a question directed at Elementary players. Continue →
The theme for this month’s Presidents Quiz is March events. Continue →
Here are examples from the Propaganda sections (B, C, D, and E) played this year. Continue →
The demands of a shake call for an Imperative sentence with a pronoun functioning as a subject. An additional demand requires an indefinite pronoun. Which sentence(s) fulfill the demands? (A) … Continue →
What set does R – (B – R) equal for every Universe? Continue →
With Red Exponent, give five two-cube Solutions to this Goal Continue →
With the Remainder variation in force, give all values of this Goal Continue →