Equations Quiz – January 2015
The Goal-setter sets a Goal that has no legal meaning under the rules and variations of the game… Continue →
Academic Games Leagues of America
AGLOA | Promoting Excellence Through Academic Competition
The Goal-setter sets a Goal that has no legal meaning under the rules and variations of the game… Continue →
The theme for 2014-15 in all divisions is Slogans. Continue →
The sections played in the 2014-2015 Tournament Year: B C D E Continue →
Which verbs in these sentences are transitive? Continue →
Which of the following actions do NOT earn an automatic -1? Continue →
The theme for 2014-15 in all divisions is Slogans. Continue →
The sections played in 2014-2015: B C D E Continue →
Which of these statements are verbatim quotes from the LinguiSHTIK Official Tournament Rules 2014-15? Words are not considered foreign if they are listed as an entry in the official dictionary. … Continue →
Write as many Set-Names consisting of three cards as you can for the Universe below. Use any or all of these Resources: B, R, G, Y, ‘, ∩. See this … Continue →
Classify each of these statements as true or false. The digits 0, 1, 2, and 3 have a higher chance of being rolled than 4 through 9. The Goal-setter may … Continue →