Use All the Variations

Encourage your players to be proficient at all of the variations in Equations and On-Sets. Most of the time, players have favorite variations or ones with which they have prepared … Continue →

Preparing for Nationals

Players must review all the games they will play at Nationals before competition. As many pre-Nationals practices should be scheduled as time and students’ schedules permit. Each practice should be … Continue →

Stress the Value of Competing

Some students are afraid to compete because they fear defeat. Perhaps they have had a bad experience earlier in their lives in Academic Games or in another situation. Some students … Continue →

Share the Wealth of Presidents

When preparing for Presidents competition, divide the presidents in the range for the tournament among your players. Have each player gather information about the president(s) assigned to him or her. … Continue →

Recruiting Time

With the opening of school, it is time to take steps to invite back returning players and recruit newcomers. Here are some ways this can be done. Shortly before school … Continue →