Mutual Respect

Always be firm, but quick to praise. Let players know when they have done something correct. You must develop a mutual respect for one another. Get to know the players … Continue →

Setting Goals

To achieve success in any endeavor, a participant needs both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals involve what you are doing right now to prepare for the next contest. Long-term … Continue →

Alum Cites Academic Games Influence

Dr. Tyrone Porter, from Detroit Renaissance High School, is the subject of an article in the University of Washington (Seattle) Bioengineering News. The writer refers to “the intellectual challenges and … Continue →

AGLOA President Honored

Brother Neal Golden, President of AGLOA, was recently presented the Gautrelet Award by Spring Hill College (Mobile). This award “recognizes an alumnus or non-alumnus of high integrity who has demonstrated … Continue →

Alum Wins Academy Award

Peter Litwinowicz, who played at Brother Martin in New Orleans from 1975-81, won a Technical Achievement Award for the design and development of the RE: Vision Effects family of software … Continue →