Rules Changes for 2013-14

Equations & On-Sets The Mathematics Rules Committee, composed of six members from five different states, voted to change the penalty for missing a shake from -4 to -2. LinguiSHTIK Rule … Continue →

Equations Quiz – August 2013

With Number of Factors, what are all the correct values of this Goal? x6^99 See this and all of the other AGLOA Equations Quizzes here.

Presidents Quiz – July 2013

The theme for 2013-4 in all divisions is scandals. In Junior/Senior, a second theme is vice-presidents. Also, Jr/Sr clues for #1-24 may involve U. S. Leaders Group 1: Tecumseh, Lucretia … Continue →

Propaganda Quiz – July 2013

The Propaganda sections played in the 2013-2014 Tournament Year: A C D F Section A Prejudice Academic Detachment Drawing the Line Not Drawing the Line Conservatism, Radicalism, Moderatism Rationalization Wishful … Continue →

2013 Nationals Photo Book

You can always remember the 2013 AGLOA National Tournament with a softcover ($19.49) or ebook ($6.99) version of our photo book designed by ZEN Photography Lifestyles. You can order either … Continue →

World Events Quiz – July 2013

In what nation have protest organizers claimed to have collected more than 22 million signatures on a petition demanding that the leader of the country, Mohammed Morsi, step down? (A) … Continue →

LinguiSHTIK Quiz – July 2013

Situation: The player leading the match by four points when the five-minute warning is called challenges Win. No player writes a correct Solution. How many points does any Neutral player … Continue →

Equations Quiz – July 2013

With Sideways cube in effect, write a three-cube Solution for this Goal: 24 ÷ 70 See this and all of the other AGLOA Equations Quizzes here.