Presidents Quiz – January 2016
Match each occupation or position with the correct president from #1-24. Continue →
Academic Games Leagues of America
AGLOA | Promoting Excellence Through Academic Competition
Match each occupation or position with the correct president from #1-24. Continue →
The Propaganda sections played in the 2015-2016 Tournament Year are A, B, C, and F. Continue →
Which of these sentences are correct? Continue →
Which of the following sets contain just one card in the above Universe? Continue →
With 0 Wild, give all integer values of this Goal. Continue →
The theme for 2015-16 in all divisions is Presidential Quotes. In Junior/Senior, a second theme is Occupations and Posts. Also, Jr/Sr clues for #1-24 may involve U.S. Leaders Group 3: … Continue →
The Propaganda sections played in the 2015-2016 Tournament Year: A B C F This month’s quiz focuses on two techniques of section A that are often confused: 1. Prejudice & … Continue →
In a shake, the players have demanded that a noun be a subject. Another demand is made for “noun clause.” Which sentences would be correct for these demands? Can you … Continue →
Which of the following sets contain two cards in the above Universe? (A) R’ ∩ B’ (B) R’ − B’ (C) V − (G’ U B) (D) V − (R … Continue →
Elementary With Smallest Prime, what is the value of this Goal?xx99÷4 Answer Middle/Junior/Senior With Sideways, give a three-cube Solution for this Goal:4÷70 Answer See this and all of the other … Continue →