Propaganda Quiz – August 2016

The Propaganda sections played in the 2016-2017 tournament year: A B D E

Section A
  1. Prejudice
  2. Academic Detachment
  3. Drawing the Line
  4. Not Drawing the Line
  5. Conservatism, Radicalism, Moderatism
  1. Rationalization
  2. Wishful Thinking
  3. Tabloid Thinking
  4. Causal Oversimplification
  5. Inconceivability
Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have a negative approval rating even within their own parties. I’ll find a third party candidate to vote for in November.

Section B
  1. Emotional Terms
  2. Metaphor and Simile
  3. Emphasis
  4. Quotation Out of Context
  1. Abstract Terms
  2. Vagueness
  3. Ambiguity
  4. Shift of Meaning
Interviewer: “Who are you going to raise taxes on?”
Donald Trump: “If you look at actually raise, some very wealthy are going to be raised. Some people that are getting unfair deductions are going to be raised.”

Section D
  1. Appeal to Pity
  2. Appeal to Flattery
  3. Appeal to Ridicule
  4. Appeal to Prestige
  5. Appeal to Prejudice
  1. Bargain Appeal
  2. Folksy Appeal
  3. Join the Bandwagon Appeal
  4. Appeal to Practical Consequences
  5. Passing from the Acceptable to the Dubious
News report: “Pokémon Go game is sweeping the nation. So Hillary Clinton’s team announced that it plans to hold a campaign event at a Pokémon Go gym and PokéStop this Saturday.”

Section E – All Divisions
  1. Concurrency
  2. Post Hoc
  3. Selected Instances
  4. Hasty Generalization
  1. Faulty Analogy
  2. Composition
  3. Division
  4. Non Sequitur
Making people register their guns is like the Nazis making the Jews register with their government during World War II. This policy is crazy.

Section E – Jr/Sr Divisions
  1. Concurrency
  2. Post Hoc
  3. Selected Instances
  4. Hasty Generalization
  1. Faulty Analogy
  2. Composition
  3. Division
  4. Non Sequitur
Billy is keeping his friend Tommy up to date on the football game via text messages.
Billy: “If the Jets make just one more first down, they can run out the clock and win the game.”
After a few minutes, Tommy hasn’t heard any more from Billy. So Tommy texts, “Did the Jets win?”
Billy: “No, they didn’t.”
Tommy: “So they obviously didn’t make that first down.”

See this and all of the other AGLOA Propaganda Quizzes here.

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