The Propaganda sections played in the 2016-2017 tournament year: A B D E
Section A | |
Ad: “A TRAFFIC TICKET? Just call Paul! Paul Massa, Attorney. 823-975-6606 or” | |
Section B | |
Professor: “We will now start a unit of climate change.” Student: “Prof, what do you mean by ‘climate change’?” Professor: “You obviously haven’t been watching the news the last decade. Otherwise, you wouldn’t need to ask that question.” |
Section D | |
Political flyer received in the mail: “The democratic principles that this country was built on start with the election process and a united community. The future of our city depends on your participation. Vote for all the candidates listed on the other side of this page.” | |
Section E – All Divisions | |
I saw my first Brad Pitt movie last night. I’m going to rent all his movies, and I’m sure I’ll like all of them. | |
Section E – Jr/Sr Divisions | |
Jack to his friend Jill: “If it rains tonight, I’m not going to the football game.” Jill calls Jack the next day: “Did you see Susie at the game? I assume you went since it didn’t rain.” |
See this and all of the other AGLOA Propaganda Quizzes here. |