The Propaganda sections played in the 2019-2020 tournament year are A, B, C, and F.
Section A | ||
I can’t see myself ever voting for a Democrat again. | |
Section B | ||
Burning an American flag in a protest demonstration is not protected by the Constitution because the Second Amendment bans any restriction on free speech. | |
Section C | ||
Ad in a sports magazine for De-Stress Sleep pills: “Stress less & sleep. Our drug-free formula includes Ashwagandha to help calm the mind and body, while an optimal melatonin level helps you nod off naturally with no next day grogginess.” | |
Section F | ||
If the Russians hadn’t meddled in the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton would be president today. | |
See this and all of the other AGLOA Propaganda Quizzes here. |