Sample Presidents Questions (25-33)


    • (6 pts.) I invited Booker T. Washington to dinner at the White House – an action that was denounced by Democrats. During my administration, the first Olympic games in the U.S. were held as part of the St.Louis World’s Fair.
    • (4 pts.) My oldest child was called “Princess Alice.” Women across the country had dresses made in the “Alice Blue” shade she favored. She was the first president’s daughter to have her age 18 “coming out” ball in the White House.
    • (2 pts.) I was the first vice president to become president by death to go on and win election on his own.

    • (6 pts.) Although Adams and Jefferson both died on July 4, I am the only president born on Independence Day. I was a good horse rider from an early age. After attending private schools, I graduated from a college in my native state with honors. I went on to become a lawyer.
    • (4 pts.) I was visiting my father on the family farm when I learned that I was president. I appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the scandals of my predecessor’s administration.
    • (2 pts.) My wife’s personality was almost the opposite of mine. She loved smoking, short hair, airplane travel, and the Boston Red Sox.

    • (6 pts.) During my multi-term presidency, the Congress of Industrial Organizations split from the American Federation of Labor and held its first convention. Pearl Buck won the Nobel Prize for literature. Millionaire industrialist Howard Hughes set a record for flying around the world. In college, I was editor-in-chief of the school newspaper, the Crimson.
    • (4 pts.) I was the first Democrat elected president with a popular majority since Franklin Pierce. I started the custom of giving the pen I used to sign legislation to congressional sponsors of the bill. I sent U.S. forces to occupy Iceland and Greenland.
    • (2 pts.) The U.S. Park Service dedicated a $48 million monument to me in May, 1997. It spreads out on 7.5 acres along Washington’s Tidal Basin. However, disabled Americans protested the fact that no reference was made to my wheelchair which I used for 24 years. Former Presidents Bush, Ford, and Carter urged an additional sculpture showing me in a wheelchair.

    • (6 pts.) The Communist leader, Mao Tse Tung, proclaimed the People’s Republic of China. Two days later, I announced, “We have evidence an atomic explosion occurred in the U.S.S.R.”
    • (4 pts.) As a boy, I wore thick eyeglasses, which restricted my participation in sports. As a consequence, I learned to play the piano and became an avid reader.
    • (2 pts.) Like two of my predecessors, both of whom had the same last name, I offered the American people a “deal.” My proposals included a Fair Employment Practices Commission and Federal funds for education and national health insurance.

    • (6 pts.) I said, “Politics … makes me sick.” My wife Nellie pushed me into accepting the nomination to the presidency. Ten weeks into my presidency, Nellie suffered a stroke that partially paralyzed her.
    • (4 pts.) During my one term in the White House, the Carlisle Indian School football team, coached by Glenn “Pop” Warner and led by Jim Thorpe, upset Harvard. About a month before I left office, Wyoming’s legislature cast the 36th “yes” vote, making the Sixteenth Amendment the law of the land.
    • (2 pts.) While attending the theater one night, I got stuck in my seat.

    • (6 pts.) I remembered seeing General Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis when I was a boy. The son of a minister, I loved the theater, played golf, and was a good singer.
    • (4 pts.) My second wife, Edith, sat in on my private conferences. She was the only other person who knew the codes used to send messages to generals in Europe. The last part of my presidency was called “petticoat government” because she would let no one and no document reach me without her approval.
    • (2 pts.) At age 45, I became president of the college that counted James Madison among its graduates. This post was my stepping stone into politics.

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