LinguiSHTIK Quiz – August 2017
Which sentence meets the demands? Continue →
Academic Games Leagues of America
AGLOA | Promoting Excellence Through Academic Competition
Which sentence meets the demands? Continue →
Which of the following statements regarding protests are true according to cube game rules? Continue →
Here are three challenging Goals to test your Equations skills. Continue →
The theme for 2017-2018 in all divisions is First Ladies. Continue →
The Propaganda sections played in the 2017-2018 tournament year are B, C, D, and F. Continue →
Which one of these sentences fits the demands and can you identify the function of the words in each of the incorrect sentences? Continue →
Which sets are the same as R ∩ B for every Universe? Continue →
Work with some of this year’s variations. Continue →
Which statements are true about On-Sets variations? Continue →
The demands are made for an S-V sentence, Noun, Direct Object, Collective Noun, Appositive Phrase. Which sentences meet the demands? Continue →