LinguiSHTIK Quiz – September 2014

Player One rolls the cubes, then, instead of designating the sentence type, calls CHALLENGE IMPOSSIBLE. Which of the following is/are true about this situation? Player One’s declaration is illegal, and … Continue →

On-Sets Quiz – September 2014

How many cards from the Universe below are in the set B – (G – R) ? (Middle/Junior/Senior) For the Universe above, how many cards are removed by this Restriction? … Continue →

World Events Quiz – August 2014

In March, a U.S. Senator from California lashed out at the CIA, accusing the agency of spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee, hacking the committee’s computer network, and covering up … Continue →

Presidents Quiz – August 2014

The theme for 2014-15 in all divisions is Slogans. In Junior/Senior, a second theme is Domestic Affairs. Also, Jr/Sr clues for #25-44 may involve U.S. Leaders Group 4: Cesar Chavez, … Continue →

Propaganda Quiz – August 2014

The Propaganda sections played in the 2014-2015 Tournament Year: B C D E Section B Emotional Terms Metaphor and Simile Emphasis Quotation Out of Context Abstract Terms Vagueness Ambiguity Shift … Continue →

LinguiSHTIK Quiz – August 2014

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE about what happens after a CHALLENGE IMPOSSIBLE? The CHALLENGER may not write a Solution. The MOVER must write a Solution within two minutes. … Continue →

On-Sets Quiz – August 2014

How many cards from the Universe below are in the set Y Ω (R – G)’ ? See this and all of the other AGLOA On-Sets Quizzes here.

Equations Quiz – August 2014

Give a situation for your division in which two consecutive cubes may legally be placed sideways in the Goal. You may assume Sideways is in effect in all divisions. See … Continue →

World Events Quiz – July 2014

What is the name of the Palestinian Sunni Islamic organization in the Palestinian territories that refuses to recognize the nation of Israel? See this and all of the other AGLOA … Continue →