Equations Quiz – May 2014

More than half the people who took the Equations Judges Test for 2013-14 missed the following question. Do you know the correct answer? A Never Challenge   ?   may not be … Continue →

Knoxville Attractions & Restaurants

Looking for something fun to do in Knoxville while on this year’s Nationals trip? Perfect! Here are just a few of the recommended attractions from Visit Knoxville. Women’s Basketball Hall of … Continue →

Traveling to Nationals

Many of us have quite a few memorable stories about traveling to Nationals—meeting the coolest flight attendant ever, getting stuck at the airport for hours, or a turkey hitting the bus. What’s … Continue →

Play to Win – II

Last month’s Coaches Tip discussed aggressive play in reading games. Now we consider cube games. Equations and On-Sets Use the timer on every other player’s turn and especially when opponents … Continue →

Play to Win – I

In athletics, you often hear a team’s performance as “they’re playing not to lose.” That attitude carries over to Academic Games competitions. Playing to win requires playing aggressively. Ultimately, the … Continue →

Learning from Mistakes

At the 2011 AGLOA National Tournament, one of the Elementary/Middle Propaganda examples caused controversy. A number of players and even coaches were upset that the Panel’s Answer was Appeal to … Continue →