Develop the Weakest

“A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” Often, the key to developing a winning team is to work to improve the worst player. Many times, a team … Continue →

Propaganda Tips

Have students write their own Propaganda examples for each section. Then, go over them as a group to see if they are good examples of Propaganda techniques. When covering Section … Continue →

Learn from Students

Veteran players often know more about a game than the teacher, especially if the latter is new to Academic Games. Instead of feeling insecure, tap into the knowledge students have … Continue →

Summer Activities

Most students are drained from competition during the summer months. But there are a few activities that can be done during the summer to keep players’ minds sharp and to … Continue →

Win Anyway

The South Carolina baseball team that won the 2011 College World Series had a motto: “Win anyway.” In baseball, the motto refers to overcoming adversities such as injuries, mental and … Continue →

Use Warm-ups – Part II

Warm-up questions can be used not only at the beginning of each practice but also as players travel to competition. At the meeting right before leaving for the tournament, distribute … Continue →

Use Warm-ups – Part I

Athletes warm up before every practice and game or match. They stretch their muscles to make their bodies limber. Academic Games players can benefit from warm-ups at the beginning of … Continue →

Debrief Players – Part III

In addition to obtaining scouting reports on opposing players, the coach can also address each player’s strengths/weaknesses from talking to players about the latest round. Listening to a player explain … Continue →

Debrief Players – Part II

Debriefing players after tournament rounds helps the coach to compile useful lists. For reading games, the coach can learn what Propaganda techniques or Presidents or World Events categories his or … Continue →