Use the Summer Break

Just as athletes are given conditioning goals and drills on fundamentals to do during the summer break, Academic Games players should be given activities that will prepare them for the … Continue →

No Substitute for Experience

Newcomers can compete quite well in the reading games where knowledge of the subject matter is primary. However, in thecube games, inexperienced players have a tough time defeating veterans. A … Continue →

Have High Expectations

Communicate high expectations for your players and faith in their abilities to perform well. Coaches should have higher expectations for the players than they have for themselves. Most importantly, show … Continue →

Encourage Online Practice

This AGLOA web site now provides online practice for Presidents and Propaganda. (Use the Online Learning link from the menu above.) Encourage students to take advantage of these resources, particularly … Continue →

Communicate with Parents

When a student joins Academic Games, communicate with the parents as soon as possible. Send a letter home with the student that includes the following: A statement that the student … Continue →

Tell Stories

Stories about past players who came through in the clutch can inspire current players and make a crucial point that abstract lecturing cannot. Example (Based on an actual event)“The On-Sets … Continue →

Prepare and Play as a Team

Each player in Academic Games competes as an individual. However, he or she should prepare and practice as part of a team. Veteran players may not be enthused about practicing … Continue →

Some Suggestions from Athletics

When most people hear the term “coach,” they think of an athletic coach. Academic Games coaching has much in common with sports coaching. Here are suggestions that apply to any … Continue →