Equations Quiz – January 2015
The Goal-setter sets a Goal that has no legal meaning under the rules and variations of the game… Continue →
Academic Games Leagues of America
AGLOA | Promoting Excellence Through Academic Competition
The Goal-setter sets a Goal that has no legal meaning under the rules and variations of the game… Continue →
Which of the following actions do NOT earn an automatic -1? Continue →
Write as many Set-Names consisting of three cards as you can for the Universe below. Use any or all of these Resources: B, R, G, Y, ‘, ∩. See this … Continue →
How many cards from the Universe below are in the set Y – (B ∩ R)’ ? (Middle/Junior/Senior) Which of these Restrictions are automatically wrong because of the way they … Continue →
How many cards from the Universe below are in the set B – (G – R) ? (Middle/Junior/Senior) For the Universe above, how many cards are removed by this Restriction? … Continue →
How many cards from the Universe below are in the set Y Ω (R – G)’ ? See this and all of the other AGLOA On-Sets Quizzes here.
The Goal-setter uses two digit cubes in the Goal but fails to place the third digit cube in Forbidden. What happens? See this and all of the other AGLOA On-Sets … Continue →
The Goal-setter, who is leading in the match, calls “Bonus” and plays a cube to Forbidden, then sets a legal Goal. An opponent picks up the Challenge Block and calls … Continue →
Give the number of cards in each set for the Universe above. 1. B’ Ω G’ 2. R’ – Y’ 3. (R U G’) – B 4. R U (G’ – … Continue →
Give the number of cards in each set for the Universe above. 1. (B ? G) – Y 2. B – Y’ 3. V – (R U G)’ See this … Continue →