Recruiting Season

With the start of a new school year comes the start of recruiting season for all extra-curricular activities in each school. Academic Games must compete against a growing number of … Continue →

Charles Stiegler Testimony

The following was contained in a letter from Charles Stiegler (Brother Martin High School ’99), who played Academic Games for five years.   “I have recently graduated from LSU Law … Continue →

More Wisdom from "Coach K"

Mike Kryzyzewski has been a highly successful basketball coach at Duke University. Like any coach of winning teams in any sport or competition, he uses techniques that apply to any … Continue →

Wisdom from "Coach K"

Mike Kryzyzewski has been a highly successful basketball coach at Duke University. Like any coach of winning teams in any sport or competition, he uses techniques that apply to any … Continue →

Encourage Patience

A new Academic Games recruit may make a hasty judgment concerning whether or not to continue with the team. Some may attend the first meeting and never return. Some are … Continue →

Plan Your Next Steps Wisely

Successful players learn to concentrate on the next move or the next question and let the ultimate goal (winning the match or scoring as high as possible in a reading … Continue →