World Events Quiz – November 2012

Identify the person pictured. Formerly Secretary-General of the United Nations, he was appointed special envoy to Syria but resigned in August 2012, citing the Syrian government’s refusal to implement his … Continue →

On-Sets Quiz – November 2012

True or False? With the union-intersect interchangeable, each Solution-writer must indicate in writing which union and intersect symbols are being used upside-down.

Propaganda Quiz – November 2012

Section A Prejudice Academic Detachment Drawing the Line Not Drawing the Line Conservatism, Radicalism, Moderatism Rationalization Wishful Thinking Tabloid Thinking Causal Oversimplification Inconceivability I haven’t decided whom to vote for, … Continue →

Equations Quiz – November 2012

Add a minimum number of grouping symbols to either or both sides of this Equation to make it correct. √ 9 + 2 + 4 – 3 = √ 25 + 11

On-Sets Quiz – October 2012

The dealer puts out too many or too few cards in the Universe. An opponent picks up the challenge block and challenges “Never.” What should happen next?